Fell off his motorcycle.
Patient Data

Head and neck not shown - no trauma-related finding:
Large right pneumothorax. Small stripes of air in area between right lung fissures - possibly small lacerations. Small basal contusion with small laceration at its centre in the left lower lobe (LLL), without evidence of active bleeding. Longitudinal fracture in the lower part of the sternum with slight displacement of the posterior cortex. Tiny extrapleural gas bubbles on both sides of the sternum.
No pleural or pericardial fluid. Large mediastinal vessels preserved.
Right ribs: Nondisplaced fractures in anterior arch of 4th, 5th, and 7th ribs.
Left ribs: Nondisplaced fractures in anterior arch of 4th rib, nondisplaced fractures in anterior and posterior arches of 5th ribs, segmental fractures in posterior arch of 6h-10th ribs, suspected fracture in posterior arch of 11th rib.
Laceration traversing entire splenic width, involving its hilum, with active arterial bleeding and large area of devascularization. Extracapsular haematoma. Impression of infarction at anterior aspect of spleen. AAST IV-V (not entirely clear whether active bleeding is also extrasplenic).
Left kidney:
Lacerations in upper pole and lower half of kidney traversing its entire width. Two segmental renal veins appear severed, with active bleeding beneath the inferior of the two. The kidney shows delayed perfusion. Large haematoma in perirenal fascia, displacing the kidney laterally. AAST IV. Lateroconal haematoma as well, perhaps due to left iliac wing fracture (see below).
Small fissure in inferior aspect of pancreatic body measuring 7 mm in length - possibly a small laceration.
Urinary bladder haematoma is also noted.
No evidence of trauma to the liver, right kidney or adrenals. No evidence of free intra-abdominal air. No evidence of trauma to the large abdominopelvic vessels.
Comminuted fracture of left iliac wing, with substantial fragment displacement and the following consequences: active venous bleed in the ipsilateral gluteal muscles and prolapse of fat through torn fascia of the inferior lumbar triangle. Haematoma lateral and superficial to the left gluteus maximus muscle, subcutaneous contusion at same level.
Nondisplaced fractures of right superior and inferior pubic rami.
Large thrombus in the urinary bladder.
Fractures in left elbow at lateral edge of scan (not included here).
Additional non-traumatic findings - anatomical variants:
11 pairs of ribs. T12 right transverse process unfused at its base.
Retroaortic left renal vein.
Case Discussion
Both the spleen and the left kidney were removed, the iliac wing fracture was fixated, and the patient recovered well.