Pain and swelling in right wrist for 3 days. It is of acute in quality and moderate in severity. No trauma.
Patient Data

There is distended palmar ulnar bursa fluid signal eliciting low signal at T1 and being of high signal at T2 and PD.FS, with synovial thickening, enveloping the flexor digitorum tendons, mainly at distal forearm level and extending distally through the carpal tunnel to the metacarpal shaft level. A focal synovial thickening could be seen deep to the medial part of flexor digitorum profunda, having intermediate signal on taken sequences. The median nerve looks swollen and shows signal change, suggestive of carpal tunnel syndrome.
Case Discussion
This right wrist MRI has features suggestive of palmar ulnar bursitis with focal nodular synovitis deep to the medial part of flexor digitorum profunda and secondary features of carpal tunnel syndrome.