Failure of transvenous cardiac catheterization via the right common femoral vein.
Patient Data

The hepatic segment of the inferior vena cava (IVC) is atretic in a tapered pattern, with direct communication of the IVC distal to the renal veins with the left portal vein, a feature consistent with a persistent ductus venosus.
A large renal cyst is seen in the inferior pole of the left kidney.
Bilateral segmental basal consolidation likely represents aspiration pneumonia.
Case Discussion
A patent ductus venosus is an incidental finding that was seen during the management of cardiac problems. The inferior vena cava (IVC) catheter was inserted via the right common femoral vein and failed to pass to the right atrium; instead, it turned in an abnormal direction.
The liver generally looks normal, with no obvious parenchymal insult.