Growth retardation and growth hormone deficiency diagnosed in first year of life, treated by hormonal replacement therapy.
Patient Data

Ectopic posterior pituitary at the median eminence.
Small hypoplastic adenohypophysis.
Absent pituitary stalk.
Enlarged nasopharyngeal adenoids (incidental finding).

Ectopic posterior pituitary at the median eminence. (White arrow)
Absent pituitary stalk.(Red arrow)
Small hypoplastic adenohypophysis.(Orange arrow)
Case Discussion
Pituitary stalk transection syndrome, also known as pituitary stalk interruption syndrome, is a disease characterised by absent/hypoplastic anterior pituitary gland, thin or absent infundibulum and ectopic posterior pituitary location .
Special thanks to Dr Bahaa Al Din Mahmoud, assistant lecturer, Kasr Al Ainy Hospital