Rectovesical fistula

Case contributed by Ian Bickle
Diagnosis certain


Rectal malignancy. Concerns of post operative rectovesical fistula.

Patient Data

Age: 75 years
Gender: Male

Fistulous tract from the posterior bladder to the upper rectum.

Case Discussion

Classic fluoroscopic appearances of a rectovesical fistula.

Many consider fluoroscopic studies from an era of 'dinosaur radiology'. There are several indications where it remains the 'bees-knees', one being the assessment of fistula and leaks.

It's truly dynamic, unlike a CT with contrast squirted into a tube before any pictures are taken.

Two other practical tips:

- with the bladder always screen initially in the lateral position.  Small leaks, the origins of them or fistula may be missed by the covering contrast filled bladder.

- fill the bladder until the patient's toes curl.   This ensures the bladder is sufficiently distended and pressurised to ensure a false negative study doesn't occur.

The patient will thank you later for getting it right rather than missing it by not distending the bladder well enough.

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