Broad, flat feet with hallux valgus deformity.For surgical workup.
Patient Data

There is a right-sided hallux valgus, right 2nd MTP dislocation, and hammer toes of the right 2nd ,3rd, and possibly 4th digits.
There is left 1st MTP osteoarthritis (hallux rigidus is not excluded), and 2nd digit hammer toe (clinically confirmed). There is interdigital widening between the left 2nd and 3rd digits, and Morton's neuroma is not excluded on plain film.
Bilateral tailor's bunions (metatarsus quintus valgus), with a mildly widened 4th-5th intermetatarsal angle, regional soft tissue and 5th metatarsal head erosion.
Bilateral pes planus, degenerative plantar calcaneal spurring and Achilles insertional enthesopathy.
Case Discussion
A splay foot (pleural: splay feet) is a broad, flat foot1. Patients have a combination of hallux valgus deformity and a bunion, inward deviation of the 5th toe, hammer and/or claw toes, painful corns and calluses, and flat feet with an antalgic gait due to foot and knee pain1.
The exact causative mechanism is unknown. However, risk factors include obesity, ill-fitting shoes, connective tissue disorders, previous bone or ligamentous injuries, and neurological disorders that result in paralysis.