Antepartum haemorrhage at 26 weeks. Otherwise normal pregnancy to date.
Patient Data

heterogeneous focus along the anterior endometrium, adjacent to the inferior margin of the placenta, consistent with a succenturiate lobe. The hypoechoic areas within the succenturiate lobe are favoured to represent retroplacental haemorrhage given the clinical history
no vasa praevia is demonstrated
remaining placenta is unremarkable
Case Discussion
This case demonstrates ultrasound findings consistent with a succenturiate lobe of placenta (multilobed placenta), which confers an increased risk of vasa praevia, placenta praevia, antepartum haemorrhage, post partum haemorrhage and retained placenta (and therefore post partum infection) 1.
The succenturiate lobe was confirmed at the time of delivery, which was uncomplicated.