Pregnant patient presented with left lumbar pain and vomiting. US exam revealed left ovarian cyst, for MRI assessment.
Patient Data

Left ovarian multilocular cyst showing internal septataions seated high within the left lumbar region. Swirling of the left adenxa is also seen (evident on axial T1, T2 WI and coronal STIR WI).
Gravid uterus with a single fetus.

The first image shows the left ovarian multilocular cyst (Red arrow) with small follicles within the ovarian tissue around the aforementioned cyst (Yellow arrows).
The second image shows the swirling of the left adnexa (Circles) with abrupt cutoff of the bright adnexal vessels signal at the swirling site (evident on T1 and STIR).

Case Discussion
Radiological findings were suggestive of left ovarian torsion in a pregnant patient with enlarged left ovary showing multilocular cystic lesion with internal septae and few small follicles adjacent to this cyst, associated with swirling of the left adnexa and abrupt cutoff of the bright signal signal of the adnexal vessels at the site of the swirl.
Laparoscopy confirmed the diagnosis of left ovarian torsion and the patient latter underwent caesarean section and left oophorectomy.