The patient is a primigravida with amenorrhoea for one and half months presenting for ultrasound examination.
Patient Data

Transvaginal ultrasound revealed three gestational sacs widely separated by thick choriodecidual tissue. Each sac had its separate yolk sac and fetal pole. Cardiac activity was well appreciated in all three fetuses. Two fetuses were with crown rump length (CRL) of 9 mm corresponding to estimated gestation age (EGA) of 6 weeks and 6 days, and one with CRL of 5.4 mm corresponding to (EGA) of 6 weeks and 1 day.
A case of trichorionic triamniotic triplet pregnancy.
Case Discussion
Multiple pregnancies are more commonly associated with ovulation-inducing drugs and in vitro fertilization. This is a case of spontaneous pregnancy. Trichorionic pregnancies are very rare. An elective reduction was suggested in this case to prevent preterm delivery and a better outcome.