Patient with suprapubic cystostomy for urethral assessment.
Patient Data

Retrograde injection of the urethra revealed opacification of the penile urethra with no flow at the bulbar and posterior urethra. This was confirmed by increased pressure of injection.
Cystography was made through the suprapubic catheter, which shows bladder wall irregularity. The patient failed to void, then bladder was emptied again through suprapubic catheter.
Case Discussion
Patient with chronic dysuria and recurrent urethral strictures managed by visual internal urethrotomy, presented before 6 months with acute on top of chronic urine retention with creatinine level 14 mg/dl and was managed by suprapubic cystostomy. Then creatinine level declined to about 2.5~3 mg/dl.
Current examination shows high-grade urethral stricture blocking bulbar and posterior urethra. The patient is planned for posterior urethroplasty.