Known case of VP shunt, Chiari malformation
Patient Data

Intra-axial VP shunt is noted with its tip located in the anteroinferior region of the left frontal lobe. Significant dilatation of lateral and third ventricles is noted. Anterior horn of the right lateral ventricle measured 30mm at the level of the foramen of Monro. The fourth ventricle is unremarkable.
Inferior displacement of cerebellar tonsils and medulla is noted in the upper cervical canal and the inferior descent was measuring 16mm from the level of the skull base.
Case Discussion
This is a known case of Chiari II malformation with lumbosacral myelomeningocele. The shunt was placed, however, its migration is a new finding. Hydrocephalus is also present. Shunts malfunction includes breaks, infection, migration, and leakage.
This case is also contributed by Dr. Mohammad Tahir Aien.