Ileocolic intussusception secondary to cecal adenocarcinoma


The patient had a known history of a cecal tumor, and was awaiting surgery. Intussusception in older patients almost always has a pathological lead point. This patient proceeded to a right hemicolectomy. 


MACROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION:A right hemicolectomy with terminal ileum, large bowel, appendix, mesentery and omentum. Within the cecum, immediately adjacent to the appendiceal orifice and 35mm from the ileocecal valve is an ovoid rubbery brown tumor which invades 5mm deep into muscularis propria and is 2mm from the serosa which is shiny and smooth. The proximal 110mm of large bowel has edematous mucosa and a wall up to 10mm. The mesentery contains numerous rubbery tan lymph nodes up to 18mm. The omentum is unremarkable.

MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION: Sections of bowel show a moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma focally invading through muscularis propria into subserosa. Tumor comprises cribriform glands and nests of atypical columnar cells within fibrotic stroma. There is a prominent peritumoural Crohnoid lymphocytic infiltrate. Stromal clefting around tumor nests is present but lymphovascular and perineural invasion are not seen. Tumor is clear of serosa, margins and appendix. The cecum shows an area of marked submucosal edema, consistent with an area of intussusception. The omentum is unremarkable. There are twenty four lymph nodes with no evidence of malignancy.

DIAGNOSIS: Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma, arising within cecum.

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