Dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor


This is a pathology-confirmed case of dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor. The case is typical in terms of patient age, clinical complaint (partial seizure), CT & MRI findings. The patient underwent surgery to remove the tumor and the pathology confirmed the diagnosis of DNET.


MICROSCOPIC DESCRIPTION: The largest tumor component comprises small round nuclei in a fibrillary background with some suggestion of perinuclear clearing. Astrocytes with eosinophilic cytoplasm are also present. This area transitions to similar cells in a loose, microcytic background. Some of the background matrix is basophilic and also staining with Alcian blue. No definite mature ganglion cells can be seen floating in the mucoid matrix. There is co-expression of GFAP, Synaptophysin, and Neurofilament. No mitoses or necrosis is present.

DIAGNOSIS: Microscopic foci of low-grade glioneuronal tumor.

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