Well-differentiated liposarcoma - thigh


The well-differentiated liposarcoma (WDLS) is the most common type of liposarcoma. WDLS presents as a painless, slowly growing tumor, usually in the retroperitoneum or limbs. It consists of a proliferation of mature adipocytes.

WDLS usually present between 50 and 60 years of age, with a male predilection. It manifests as a slow-growing, painless mass, often in the retroperitoneum or the limbs and rarely in the spermatic cord or mediastinum.

The mass is usually solid. They may cause symptoms of urinary or bowel obstruction if the lesion compresses adjacent organs.

The prognosis of WDLS depends on tumor location. WDLS arising from extremities usually has a good prognosis after removal of the tumor, with a low risk of recurrence and low mortality.

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