CT foot and ankle coronal - labeling questions


The labeled structures are (excluding the correct side):

  1. terminal tuft of first distal phalanx
  2. second distal phalanx
  3. first distal phalanx
  4. second middle phalanx
  5. first interphalangeal joint
  6. first proximal phalanx
  7. second proximal phalanx
  8. first metatarsophalangeal joint
  9. head of first metatarsal
  10. fifth proximal phalanx
  11. medial sesamoid of hallux
  12. lateral sesamoid of hallux
  13. neck of first metatarsal
  14. head of fifth metatarsal
  15. shaft of third metatarsal
  16. neck of fifth metatarsal
  17. shaft of first metatarsal
  18. shaft of fifth metatarsal
  19. Lisfranc joint
  20. base of first metatarsal
  21. first tarsometatarsal joint
  22. base of second metatarsal
  23. base of third metatarsal
  24. medial cuneiform
  25. base of fourth metatarsal
  26. intermediate cuneiform
  27. base of fifth metatarsal
  28. lateral cuneiform
  29. navicular
  30. tuberosity of fifth metatarsal
  31. cuboid
  32. tubercle of navicular
  33. talonavicular joint
  34. head of talus
  35. tubercle of cuboid
  36. anterior facet of talus
  37. calcaneocuboid joint
  38. anterior facet of calcaneus
  39. anterior subtalar joint
  40. calcaneal tubercle
  41. neck of talus
  42. anterior process of calcaneus
  43. middle facet of talus
  44. sustentaculum tali
  45. sinus tarsi
  46. middle subtalar joint
  47. calcaneal sulcus
  48. talar sulcus
  49. middle facet of calcaneus
  50. talar dome
  51. tibiotalar joint
  52. medial malleolus (of tibia)
  53. talofibular joint
  54. posterior subtalar joint
  55. lateral process of talus
  56. peroneal tubercle (trochlea) of calcaneus
  57. posterior facet of calcaneus
  58. tibial plafond
  59. distal tibiofibular joint (syndesmosis)
  60. medial process of talus
  61. lateral malleolus (of fibula)
  62. posterior process of talus
  63. posterior malleolus (of tibia)
  64. calcaneal tuberosity
  65. shaft of fibula
  66. medial process of calcaneal tuberosity
  67. precalcaneal (Kager's) fat pad
  68. lateral process of calcaneal tuberosity
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