CT facial bones/orbits sagittal - labeling questions


The labeled structures are (excluding the correct side):

  1. mastoid air cells
  2. temporomandibular joint
  3. head of the mandible
  4. mandibular (glenoid) fossa of the temporal bone
  5. squamous portion of the frontal bone
  6. frontozygomatic suture
  7. external auditory (acoustic) canal
  8. orbital process of the zygomatic bone
  9. articular eminence of the temporal bone
  10. coronoid process of the mandible
  11. mandibular canal
  12. orbital portion of the frontal bone
  13. styloid process
  14. calcified stylohyoid ligament
  15. inferior orbital fissure
  16. sphenoid spine
  17. jugular foramen
  18. superior rectus muscle
  19. superior orbital fissure
  20. optic nerve
  21. lesser wing of the sphenoid
  22. foramen rotundum
  23. infraorbital canal
  24. infraorbital foramen
  25. greater horn of the hyoid bone
  26. pterygopalatine fossa
  27. vidian canal
  28. optic canal
  29. vallecula
  30. posterior clinoid process
  31. oropharynx
  32. sphenoid sinus
  33. nasopharynx
  34. anterior arch of the atlas (C1)
  35. perpendicular plate of the ethmoid
  36. odontoid process of the axis (C2)
  37. genial tubercle of the mandible
  38. epiglottis
  39. tuberculum sellae
  40. vomer
  41. basion
  42. opisthion
  43. body of the axis (C2)
  44. crista galli
  45. foramen cecum
  46. sella turcica
  47. anterior nasal spine
  48. incisive canal
  49. posterior nasal spine
  50. incisive foramen
  51. cribriform plate
  52. dorsum sellae
  53. palatine process of the maxilla
  54. posterior arch of the atlas (C1)
  55. sphenoethmoid recess
  56. clivus
  57. horizontal plate of the palatine bone
  58. soft palate
  59. uvula
  60. body of the hyoid bone
  61. frontal beak
  62. frontal (frontoethmoidal) recess
  63. anterior clinoid process
  64. oral cavity
  65. frontal sinus
  66. nasolacrimal canal
  67. lesser horn of the hyoid bone
  68. medial rectus muscle
  69. greater palatine canal
  70. greater palatine foramen
  71. medial pterygoid plate
  72. occipital condyle
  73. carotid canal
  74. pterygoid hamulus
  75. maxillary sinus
  76. lateral mass of the atlas (C1)
  77. internal auditory (acoustic) canal
  78. mental foramen
  79. inferior rectus muscle
  80. foramen ovale
  81. lateral pterygoid plate
  82. jugulocarotid spine
  83. lens
  84. globe
  85. body of the mandible
  86. lateral rectus muscle
  87. lacrimal gland
  88. facial nerve canal (Fallopian canal)
  89. stylomastoid foramen
  90. angle of the mandible
  91. neck of the mandible
  92. ramus of the mandible
  93. sigmoid groove
  94. zygoma
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