CT temporal bone coronal - labeling questions


The labeled structures are (excluding the correct side):

  1. temporomandibular joint
  2. clivus
  3. mandibular fossa of temporal bone
  4. pharyngotympanic tube
  5. petroclival fissure
  6. hypotympanum
  7. mandibular condyle
  8. tensor tympani muscle
  9. carotid plate
  10. anterior (first) genu of the facial nerve
  11. carotid canal
  12. head of malleus
  13. apical turn of the cochlea
  14. epitympanic recess
  15. labyrinthine segment of the facial nerve
  16. tegmen tympani
  17. middle turn of the cochlea
  18. manubrium of the malleus
  19. porus acouticus
  20. falciform crest
  21. basal turn of the cochlea
  22. tympanic membrane
  23. fundus of the internal auditory (acoustic) canal
  24. tympanic portion of the facial nerve
  25. scutum
  26. mesotympanum
  27. osseous portion of the external auditory (acoustic) canal
  28. aditus ad antrum
  29. internal auditory (acoustic) canal (meatus)
  30. short process of the incus
  31. long process of the incus
  32. saccule of the vestibule
  33. oval window
  34. stapes
  35. superior semicircular canal
  36. cochlear promontory
  37. utricle of the vestibule
  38. lateral semicircular canal
  39. sinus tympani
  40. facial recess
  41. pyramidal eminence
  42. mastoid antrum
  43. round window niche
  44. posterior canaliculus of the chorda tympani
  45. pars nervosa of jugular foramen
  46. cartilaginous portion of the external auditory (acoustic) canal
  47. posterior (second) genu of the facial nerve
  48. cochlear aqueduct
  49. jugular spine
  50. styloid process
  51. mastoid segment of the facial nerve
  52. posterior semicircular canal
  53. mastoid segment of the chorda tympani
  54. vestibular aqueduct
  55. stylomastoid foramen
  56. pars vascularis of jugular foramen
  57. hypoglossal canal
  58. lateral mass of atlas (C1)
  59. sigmoid groove
  60. occipital condyle
  61. transverse foramen of atlas (C1)
  62. atlanto-occipital joint
  63. mastoid air cell
  64. emissary vein canal (variant)
  65. occipitomastoid suture
  66. mastoid process
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