Suprascapular and spinoglenoid large paralabral notch cyst with suprascapular neuropathy


The suprascapular nerve supplies the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles. The main branch runs in the suprascapular notch and divides into two branches, one supplies supraspinatus and the second exits via the spinoglenoid notch and runs in the groove inferior to the notch and supplies infraspinatus.

Suprascapular neuropathy is compression of the suprascapular nerve that most commonly occurs at the suprascapular notch or spinoglenoid notch by a mass. Compression at the suprascapular notch causes shoulder dysfunction, pain, atrophy of both the supraspinatus and infraspinatus muscles and isolated external rotation weakness. Treatment will involve repair of the labral tear and drainage of the cyst.

Radiographer: TSRM Fabio Imola

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