Giant fibroadenoma


Procedure: Tru-cut biopsy left breast mass. Diagnosis: Fibroepithelial lesion. Comments: The mesenchymal component of the lesion is cellular and shows moderate nuclear atypia with very rare mitosis. The ductal component is hyper plastic. These features are suggestive of low-grade phyllodes tumor/fibroadenoma and complete resection of the tumor with wide margins is recommended.

Procedure: Simple nipple sparing left cutaneous mastectomy with implant insertion. Histopathology showed benign fibroepithelial tumor with features suggestive of fibroadenoma. Size: 5 cm. Nipple and areola area: uninvolved by the tumor. Margins: uninvolved by the tumor (completely excised). Background breast: usual ductal hyperplasia and fibrocystic changes.  

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