The histopathological report:


The specimen consists of Right hemicolectomy measured as:

Ascending colon segment measuring 20 cm long & 2 cm in diameter, ileal segment measuring 6 cm long & 1 cm in diameter & cecum measuring 9 cm long & 7 cm in diameter, with attached dilated appendicular mass measuring 9 cm & 7 cm in diameter.

On opening: filled with mucoid material. The dissection of pericolic fat revealed 17 nodules ranging from 0.2 to 0.7 cm in diameter with a grayish firm cut section.

Representative sections were taken in 8 cassettes.


Sections from appendix revealed cystic lesion lined by single layer of mucin-secreting epithelium with tufts, vaguely resemble serrations with mucin in the lumen & calcification. The wall lining showed inflammatory cellular infiltrate, with no mucin in the wall.

Sections examined from both resected & appendicular margins were free of tumor.

Examination of the seventeen dissected lymph nodes revealed reactive lymphoid hyperplasia, with surrounding fat showed hemorrhage & congestion.


Right hemicolectomy:

Low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm (Mucinous cystadenoma).

Margins negative for mucinous neoplasm. There is no invasion into the appendiceal wall.
