Astrocytoma, IDH-mutant - grade 4


The patient went on to have a partial resection. 


Sections show brain widely infiltrated by a diffuse glioma. The tumor cells have enlarged oval-to-angulated nuclei, with fairly coarse chromatin. They are set within a fibrillar background that also contains plentiful mucin. Mitoses are easily identified. There is no necrosis but focal microvascular proliferation is identified. 


  • IDH-1 R132H: positive (mutant)
  • GFAP: positive
  • OLIG2: positive
  • ATRX: negative (mutant)
  • p53: positive (mutant)
  • p16 CDKN2A: positive (not lost) 
  • Ki67: 10%

FINAL DIGANOSIS: adult-type astrocytoma, IDH-mutant (CNS WHO grade 4)



This case nicely illustrates how even in older individuals IDH-mutant astrocytomas are sometimes encountered, however, their prevalence is highly determined by age. 

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