CT head bone window axial skull base - labeling questions


The labeled structures are (excluding the correct side):

  1. sphenopalatine foramen

  2. superior articular process of C1

  3. mastoid process

  4. pterygopalatine fossa

  5. posterior arch of C1

  6. pterygoid process

  7. occipital condyle

  8. pterygomaxillary fissure

  9. styloid process

  10. medial pterygoid plate

  11. basion

  12. temporal process of zygomatic bone

  13. sphenotemporal suture

  14. zygomatic process of temporal bone

  15. mandibular condyle

  16. vidian canal

  17. tubercle of occipital condyle

  18. foramen magnum

  19. greater wing of sphenoid bone

  20. clivus

  21. inferior orbital fissure

  22. cribriform plate

  23. foramen rotundum

  24. hypoglossal canal

  25. spheno-occipital synchondrosis (remnant)

  26. foramen ovale

  27. foramen spinosum

  28. foramen lacerum

  29. carotid canal

  30. jugular spine

  31. pars vascularis of jugular foramen

  32. jugular tubercle

  33. pars nervosa of jugular foramen

  34. condylar fossa (glenoid fossa)

  35. carotid canal

  36. stylomastoid foramen

  37. pharyngotympanic tube (Eustachian tube)

  38. petroclival fissure

  39. supra-orbital foramen

  40. opisthion

  41. crista galli

  42. sphenosquamous suture

  43. sphenoid sinus

  44. external auditory (acoustic) canal

  45. basal turn of the cochlea

  46. pituitary fossa (sella turcica)

  47. apical turn of the cochlea

  48. superior orbital fissure

  49. groove for the clinoid segment of the internal carotid artery

  50. optic canal

  51. petrous apex

  52. porus acusticus

  53. vestibule

  54. anterior clinoid process

  55. lateral semicircular canal

  56. lesser wing of the sphenoid bone

  57. tuberculum sellae

  58. facial canal

  59. pneumatized petrous apex

  60. internal auditory (acoustic) canal

  61. dorsum sellae

  62. posterior clinoid process

  63. vestibular aqueduct (for endolymphatic duct)

  64. calcified incisura of tentorium cerebelli

  65. occipitomastoid suture

  66. superior semicircular canal

  67. posterior semicircular canal

  68. frontal crest

  69. mastoid aircells

  70. median internal occipital crest

  71. sphenosquamous suture

  72. diploic space of frontal bone

  73. groove for the middle meningeal artery

  74. groove for the sigmoid sinus

  75. mastoid part of temporal bone

  76. squamous part of temporal bone

  77. parietotemporal suture

  78. internal occipital protuberance

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