Giant cell tumor of bone

Changed by Brian Gilcrease-Garcia, 10 Aug 2018

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Giant cell tumours of bone, also known as osteoclastomas, are relatively common bone tumours and are usually benign. They typically arise from the metaphysis of long bones, extend into the epiphysis adjacent to the joint surface, and have a narrow zone of transition.


Giant cell tumours are common, comprising 18-23% of benign bone neoplasms and 4-9.5% of all primary bone neoplasms 1. They almost invariably (97-99%) occur when the growth plate has closed and are therefore typically seen in early adulthood. 80% of cases are reported between the ages of 20 and 50, with a peak incidence between 20 and 30 1.

There is overall a mild female predilection, especially when located in the spine. However, malignant transformation is far more common in men (M:F of ~3:1) 1.

Clinical presentation

Often they are incidentally identified. They may present insidiously with bone pain, soft tissue mass, or compression of adjacent structures. Pathological fracture may result in acute presentation.


Giant cell tumours are believed to result from an over-expression in RANK/RANKL signalling pathway with resultant over-proliferation of osteoclasts 6.

These tumours contain numerous thin-walled vascular channels predisposing to areas of haemorrhage and presumably related to the relatively frequent coexistence of aneurysmal bone cysts found in 14% of cases 1-2,4.

Macroscopic appearance

Macroscopically, giant cell tumours are variable in appearance, depending on the amount of haemorrhage, the presence of coexistent aneurysmal bone cyst, and degree of fibrosis.


Microscopically they are characterised by prominent and diffuse osteoclastic giant cells and mononuclear cells (round, oval, or polygonal and may resemble normal histiocytes). Frequent mitotic figures in the mononuclear cells may be seen, especially in pregnant women or those on the oral contraceptive pill (due to increased hormone levels) 1

Giant cell tumours are low-grade tumours even in radiologically aggressive appearing lesions. Approximately 5-10% are malignant 1. Sarcomatous transformation is seen, especially in radiotherapy treated inoperable tumours. Although rare (~5%), lung metastases are possible and have an excellent prognosis. Hence, this entity has been called benign metastasizing GCTgiant cell tumor10-11.

It is important to realise that features may be difficult to interpret histologically with a relatively wide histological differential diagnosis (e.g. giant cell reparative granuloma, brown tumour, osteoblastoma, chondroblastoma, non-ossifying fibroma, and even osteosarcoma with abundant giant cells) 1, thus rendering radiology indispensable to the interpretation of these lesions.


They typically occur as single lesions. Although any bone can be affected, the most common sites are 1-2:

  • around the knee: distal femur and proximal tibia: 50-65%
  • distal radius: 10-12%
  • sacrum: 4-9%
  • vertebral body: 7%
    • thoracic spine most common, followed by cervical and lumbar spine

Multiple locations: ≈ 1% (multiple lesions usually occur in association with Paget disease)

Radiographic features

Classic appearance

There are four characteristic radiographic features when a giant cell tumour is located in a long bone:

  • occurs only with a closed growth plate
  • abuts articular surface: 84-99% come within 1 cm of the articular surface 1
  • well defined with non-sclerotic margin (though <5% may show some sclerosis 8)
  • eccentric: if large this may be difficult to assess
Plain radiograph and CT

General radiographic features include:

  • narrow zone of transition: a broader zone of transition is seen in more aggressive GCTsgiant cell tumors
  • no surrounding sclerosis: 80-85%
  • overlying cortex is thinned, expanded or deficient
  • periosteal reaction is only seen in 10-30% of cases
  • soft tissue mass is not infrequent
  • pathological fracture may be present
  • no matrix calcification/mineralisation

Typical signal characteristics include:

  • T1
    • low to intermediate solid component
    • low signal periphery
    • solid components enhance, helping distinguish GCTgiant cell tumors with an aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC) from a pure ABC 3-4
    • some enhancement may also be seen in adjacent bone marrow
  • T2
    • heterogeneous high signal with areas of low signal intensity (variable) due to haemosiderin or fibrosis 9
    • if an aneurysmal bone cyst component present, then fluid-fluid levels can be seen
    • high signal in adjacent bone marrow thought to represent inflammatory oedema 4
  • T1 C+ (Gd): solid components will enhance, helping differentiate from aneurysmal bone cysts 9
Nuclear medicine

On bone scintigraphy, most GCTgiant cell tumors demonstrate increased uptake on delayed images, especially around the periphery, with a central photopenic region (doughnut sign). Increased blood pool activity is also seen, and can be seen in adjacent bones due to generalised regional hyperaemia (contiguous bone activity).


If performed, usually in the setting of preoperative embolization, angiography usually demonstrates a hypervascular tumour (two-thirds of cases) with the rest being hypovascular or avascular.

Treatment and prognosis

Classically, treatment is with curettage and packing with bone chips or polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). Local recurrence is from the periphery of the lesion and has historically occurred in up to 40-60% of cases. Newer intraoperative adjuncts such as thermal or chemical treatment of the resection margins have lowered the recurrence rate to 2.5-10% 1. Early work on monoclonal antibodies as an adjuvant treatment targeted at tumour necrosis has shown impressive results 7. Wide local excision is associated with a lower recurrence rate but has greater morbidity.

Differential diagnosis

There is a relatively wide differential similar to that of a lytic bone lesion:

See also

  • -<p><strong>Giant cell tumours of bone</strong>, also known as <strong>osteoclastomas</strong>, are relatively common bone tumours and are usually benign. They typically arise from the metaphysis of long bones, extend into the epiphysis adjacent to the joint surface, and have a narrow zone of transition.</p><h4>Epidemiology</h4><p>Giant cell tumours are common, comprising 18-23% of benign bone neoplasms and 4-9.5% of all primary bone neoplasms <sup>1</sup>. They almost invariably (97-99%) occur when the growth plate has closed and are therefore typically seen in early adulthood. 80% of cases are reported between the ages of 20 and 50, with a peak incidence between 20 and 30 <sup>1</sup>.</p><p>There is overall a mild female predilection, especially when located in the spine. However, malignant transformation is far more common in men (M:F of ~3:1) <sup>1</sup>.</p><h4>Clinical presentation</h4><p>Often they are incidentally identified. They may present insidiously with bone pain, soft tissue mass, or compression of adjacent structures. Pathological fracture may result in acute presentation.</p><h4>Pathology</h4><p>Giant cell tumours are believed to result from an over-expression in RANK/RANKL signalling pathway with resultant over-proliferation of osteoclasts <sup>6</sup>.</p><p>These tumours contain numerous thin-walled vascular channels predisposing to areas of haemorrhage and presumably related to the relatively frequent coexistence of <a href="/articles/aneurysmal-bone-cyst">aneurysmal bone cysts</a> found in 14% of cases<sup> 1-2,4</sup>.</p><h5>Macroscopic appearance</h5><p>Macroscopically, giant cell tumours are variable in appearance, depending on the amount of haemorrhage, the presence of coexistent aneurysmal bone cyst, and degree of fibrosis.</p><h5>Histology</h5><p>Microscopically they are characterised by prominent and diffuse osteoclastic giant cells and mononuclear cells (round, oval, or polygonal and may resemble normal histiocytes). Frequent mitotic figures in the mononuclear cells may be seen, especially in pregnant women or those on the oral contraceptive pill (due to increased hormone levels) <sup>1</sup>. </p><p>Giant cell tumours are low-grade tumours even in radiologically aggressive appearing lesions. Approximately 5-10% are malignant <sup>1</sup>. Sarcomatous transformation is seen, especially in radiotherapy treated inoperable tumours. Although rare (~5%), <a href="/articles/pulmonary-metastases">lung metastases</a> are possible and have an excellent prognosis. Hence, this entity has been called <strong>benign metastasizing GCT</strong> <sup>10-11</sup>.</p><p>It is important to realise that features may be difficult to interpret histologically with a relatively wide histological differential diagnosis (e.g. <a href="/articles/central-giant-cell-lesions-granuloma">giant cell reparative granuloma</a>, <a href="/articles/brown-tumour">brown tumour</a>, <a href="/articles/osteoblastoma">osteoblastoma</a>, <a href="/articles/chondroblastoma">chondroblastoma</a>, <a href="/articles/non-ossifying-fibroma-1">non-ossifying fibroma</a>, and even <a href="/articles/osteosarcoma">osteosarcoma</a> with abundant giant cells) <sup>1</sup>, thus rendering radiology indispensable to the interpretation of these lesions.</p><h5>Location</h5><p>They typically occur as single lesions. Although any bone can be affected, the most common sites are <sup>1-2</sup>:</p><ul>
  • +<p><strong>Giant cell tumours of bone</strong>, also known as <strong>osteoclastomas</strong>, are relatively common bone tumours and are usually benign. They typically arise from the metaphysis of long bones, extend into the epiphysis adjacent to the joint surface, and have a narrow zone of transition.</p><h4>Epidemiology</h4><p>Giant cell tumours are common, comprising 18-23% of benign bone neoplasms and 4-9.5% of all primary bone neoplasms <sup>1</sup>. They almost invariably (97-99%) occur when the growth plate has closed and are therefore typically seen in early adulthood. 80% of cases are reported between the ages of 20 and 50, with a peak incidence between 20 and 30 <sup>1</sup>.</p><p>There is overall a mild female predilection, especially when located in the spine. However, malignant transformation is far more common in men (M:F of ~3:1) <sup>1</sup>.</p><h4>Clinical presentation</h4><p>Often they are incidentally identified. They may present insidiously with bone pain, soft tissue mass, or compression of adjacent structures. Pathological fracture may result in acute presentation.</p><h4>Pathology</h4><p>Giant cell tumours are believed to result from an over-expression in RANK/RANKL signalling pathway with resultant over-proliferation of osteoclasts <sup>6</sup>.</p><p>These tumours contain numerous thin-walled vascular channels predisposing to areas of haemorrhage and presumably related to the relatively frequent coexistence of <a href="/articles/aneurysmal-bone-cyst">aneurysmal bone cysts</a> found in 14% of cases<sup> 1-2,4</sup>.</p><h5>Macroscopic appearance</h5><p>Macroscopically, giant cell tumours are variable in appearance, depending on the amount of haemorrhage, the presence of coexistent aneurysmal bone cyst, and degree of fibrosis.</p><h5>Histology</h5><p>Microscopically they are characterised by prominent and diffuse osteoclastic giant cells and mononuclear cells (round, oval, or polygonal and may resemble normal histiocytes). Frequent mitotic figures in the mononuclear cells may be seen, especially in pregnant women or those on the oral contraceptive pill (due to increased hormone levels) <sup>1</sup>. </p><p>Giant cell tumours are low-grade tumours even in radiologically aggressive appearing lesions. Approximately 5-10% are malignant <sup>1</sup>. Sarcomatous transformation is seen, especially in radiotherapy treated inoperable tumours. Although rare (~5%), <a href="/articles/pulmonary-metastases">lung metastases</a> are possible and have an excellent prognosis. Hence, this entity has been called <strong>benign metastasizing giant cell tumor</strong> <sup>10-11</sup>.</p><p>It is important to realise that features may be difficult to interpret histologically with a relatively wide histological differential diagnosis (e.g. <a href="/articles/central-giant-cell-lesions-granuloma">giant cell reparative granuloma</a>, <a href="/articles/brown-tumour">brown tumour</a>, <a href="/articles/osteoblastoma">osteoblastoma</a>, <a href="/articles/chondroblastoma">chondroblastoma</a>, <a href="/articles/non-ossifying-fibroma-1">non-ossifying fibroma</a>, and even <a href="/articles/osteosarcoma">osteosarcoma</a> with abundant giant cells) <sup>1</sup>, thus rendering radiology indispensable to the interpretation of these lesions.</p><h5>Location</h5><p>They typically occur as single lesions. Although any bone can be affected, the most common sites are <sup>1-2</sup>:</p><ul>
  • -<li>narrow zone of transition: a broader zone of transition is seen in more aggressive GCTs</li>
  • +<li>narrow zone of transition: a broader zone of transition is seen in more aggressive giant cell tumors</li>
  • -<li>solid components enhance, helping distinguish GCT with an <a href="/articles/aneurysmal-bone-cyst">aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC)</a> from a pure ABC <sup>3-4</sup>
  • +<li>solid components enhance, helping distinguish giant cell tumors with an <a href="/articles/aneurysmal-bone-cyst">aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC)</a> from a pure ABC <sup>3-4</sup>
  • -</ul><h5>Nuclear medicine</h5><p>On bone scintigraphy, most GCT demonstrate increased uptake on delayed images, especially around the periphery, with a central photopenic region (<a href="/articles/doughnut-sign-bone-scans">doughnut sign</a>). Increased blood pool activity is also seen, and can be seen in adjacent bones due to generalised regional hyperaemia (<a href="/articles/contiguous-bone-activity">contiguous bone activity</a>).</p><h5>Angiography</h5><p>If performed, usually in the setting of preoperative embolization, angiography usually demonstrates a hypervascular tumour (two-thirds of cases) with the rest being hypovascular or avascular.</p><h4>Treatment and prognosis</h4><p>Classically, treatment is with curettage and packing with bone chips or polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). Local recurrence is from the periphery of the lesion and has historically occurred in up to 40-60% of cases. Newer intraoperative adjuncts such as thermal or chemical treatment of the resection margins have lowered the recurrence rate to 2.5-10% <sup>1</sup>. Early work on monoclonal antibodies as an adjuvant treatment targeted at tumour necrosis has shown impressive results <sup>7</sup>. Wide local excision is associated with a lower recurrence rate but has greater morbidity.</p><h4>Differential diagnosis</h4><p>There is a relatively wide differential similar to that of a lytic bone lesion:</p><ul>
  • +</ul><h5>Nuclear medicine</h5><p>On bone scintigraphy, most giant cell tumors demonstrate increased uptake on delayed images, especially around the periphery, with a central photopenic region (<a href="/articles/doughnut-sign-bone-scans">doughnut sign</a>). Increased blood pool activity is also seen, and can be seen in adjacent bones due to generalised regional hyperaemia (<a href="/articles/contiguous-bone-activity">contiguous bone activity</a>).</p><h5>Angiography</h5><p>If performed, usually in the setting of preoperative embolization, angiography usually demonstrates a hypervascular tumour (two-thirds of cases) with the rest being hypovascular or avascular.</p><h4>Treatment and prognosis</h4><p>Classically, treatment is with curettage and packing with bone chips or polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA). Local recurrence is from the periphery of the lesion and has historically occurred in up to 40-60% of cases. Newer intraoperative adjuncts such as thermal or chemical treatment of the resection margins have lowered the recurrence rate to 2.5-10% <sup>1</sup>. Early work on monoclonal antibodies as an adjuvant treatment targeted at tumour necrosis has shown impressive results <sup>7</sup>. Wide local excision is associated with a lower recurrence rate but has greater morbidity.</p><h4>Differential diagnosis</h4><p>There is a relatively wide differential similar to that of a lytic bone lesion:</p><ul>
  • -<a href="/articles/aneurysmal-bone-cyst">aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC)</a>: younger age group, but may co-exist with GCT; fluid-fluid levels</li>
  • +<a href="/articles/aneurysmal-bone-cyst">aneurysmal bone cyst (ABC)</a>: younger age group, but may co-exist with giant cell tumor; fluid-fluid levels</li>

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