Clavicle tumours are very rare, accounting for <1% of all primary bone tumours 2,3. They can be malignant or benign 1,2.
On this page:
The lateral third is the most common location 2.
osteochondroma 1,2
metastases: most common malignant lesion 2
primary bone tumour, e.g. Ewing sarcoma, multiple myeloma / plasmacytoma, chondrosarcoma, osteosarcoma, lymphoma 1,2
Differential diagnosis
Several non-tumoural entities can mimic a clavicular tumour:
osteomyelitis 2,3
osteonecrosis, i.e. Friedrich disease 2
Paget disease 2,3
sternoclavicular joint osteoarthritis 2,3
osteitis condensans of the clavicle (rare) 3