The radiography computed tomography section covers in detail the various clinical presentations that require specific computed tomography (CT) investigations, the anatomy examined and the different protocols utilized for specific pathology. It is broken down into region specific sections and is catered toward helping medical imaging technologists/radiographers obtain a better understanding of the nuances in computed tomography.
Head and neck
- CT head
- CTA circle of Willis
- CT venogram
- CT perfusion
- CT orbits
- CT facial bones
- CT mandible
- CT sinuses
- CT temporal bones
- CT neck
- CTA neck
- CTA carotids
- CT chest
- CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA)
- HRCT chest
- CT chest venogram
Abdomen and pelvis
- CT abdomen/pelvis
- CTA abdomen
- CT cholangiography
- CT colonography
- CT enteroclysis
- CT enterography
- CT gastrography
- CT urogram
- CT renal
- 3 phase
- 4 phase
- CT liver
- 3 phase
- 4 phase
- CT pancreas
- CT adrenals
- CT cervical spine
- CT thoracolumbar spine
- CT whole spine
- CT shoulder
- CT pelvis
- CT hip
- CT knee
- CT ankle
- CT foot
Combination studies
- chest, abdomen, and pelvis (CAP)
- whole-body CT (pan scan)