CT head, also known as CT brain, refers to a computed tomography (CT) examination of the brain and surrounding cranial structures. It is most commonly performed as a non-contrast study, but the addition of a contrast-enhanced phase is performed for some indications.
This article covers non-contrast and delayed post-contrast imaging. Other specific types of contrast-enhanced CT for cerebrovascular evaluation are discussed separately: CT venography, CT angiography, and CT perfusion.
On this page:
The following are common indications for which non-contrast head CT (CT head without intravenous contrast) is usually appropriate 1,2:
altered mental status in specific scenarios:
known intracranial haemorrhage, mass, infection, or infarct
coagulopathy or anticoagulation
suspected central nervous system infection
suspected elevated intracranial pressure
hypertensive emergency
acute delirium
unknown cause
cerebrovascular disease in specific scenarios:
intracranial haemorrhage suspected or proven
dural venous sinus thrombosis suspected
ischaemic stroke suspected due to focal neurological deficit (new, fixed, or worsening)
transient ischaemic attack, initial screening
dementia, initial imaging
head trauma in specific scenarios:
acute head trauma, initial imaging:
mild (GCS 13-15) but imaging indicated by clinical decision rule
moderate or severe (GCS <13)
penetrating trauma
acute head trauma, short-term follow-up imaging:
positive findings on initial imaging
new or progressive neurologic deficits
subacute or chronic head trauma with unexplained cognitive or neurologic deficits
recent head trauma with suspected cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak, initial imaging
recent head trauma with acute ataxia
paediatric abusive head trauma suspected due to the presence of neurologic signs or symptoms, apnoea, complex skull fracture, other fractures, or other injuries highly suspicious for child abuse
headache in specific scenarios:
sudden and severe headache (worst headache of life, thunderclap headache)
new headache with papilloedema
new or worsening headache in the following scenarios:
subacute head trauma
inciting activity/event e.g. sexual activity, exertion, or position
neurologic deficit
known or suspected cancer
at least 50 years old
seizures in specific scenarios:
epilepsy disorder with change in clinical symptoms or seizure pattern
new seizure, initial imaging
Additional indications for non-contrast head CT include the following 2:
surgery-related indications
surgical guidance or preoperative planning
postoperative evaluation after intracranial surgery
evaluation for CSF shunt malfunction
skull lesions (such as craniosynostosis, fibrous dysplasia, Paget disease, tumours)
detection or evaluation of calcification
The administration of intravenous contrast media may improve the sensitivity for detecting brain neoplasms or infections. CT head without and with contrast can be performed for these indications if MRI, which is generally superior for these diagnoses, is contraindicated or unavailable.
The purpose of non-contrast head CT includes the evaluation of neurosurgical emergencies with high sensitivity, including acute intracranial haemorrhage, mass effect, territorial infarct, brain herniation or hydrocephalus. Due to its widespread availability, CT is more often performed than MRI in the acute setting. In addition, CT is superior to MRI for evaluating osseous structures, such as calvarial or skull base fractures or craniosynostosis.
The purpose of contrast in the setting of head imaging is to evaluate the physiological and pathological processes that alter the permeability of the blood-brain barrier that causes abnormal contrast enhancement. Physiologically, the blood-brain barrier prevents the leakage of contrast material into the interstitium in the brain, spinal cord and the proximal nerves. Alteration of the blood-brain barrier is caused by physiological and pathological processes including 3:
angiogenesis: new blood vessel formation
increased pressure
Therefore, contrast-enhanced CT allows the identification of abnormal contrast enhancement including 3:
brain metastases: variable enhancement of the lesion post-contrast
meningioma: solid intense enhancement of the lesion post-contrast
double rim sign: hypodense outer rim and a hyperdense inner rim
single rim of hyperdense or isodense
fluid/pus: hypoattenuating centre
necrotic neoplasm (e.g. glioblastoma) or abscess: outer enhancing ring surrounding a necrotic centre
meningitis and meningoencephalitis: Leptomeningeal enhancement
multiple sclerosis: contrast enhancement of plaques
lymphoma: enhancement of lesion post-contrast
ependymitis and ventriculitis: thin linear enhancement of the margins of the ventricles
patient preparation
remove metallic objects including earrings, necklaces and metallic removable dental prosthetics
patient position
head first
supine with their arms by their side
tube voltage
120 kVp
AP and Lateral
C2 to vertex
scan extent
C2 to vertex
scan direction
scan geometry
slice thickness: <1 mm
slice increment: 0.5 mm
respiration phase
contrast medium
positive non-ionic iodinated contrast agent as per local protocol
contrast injection protocol
non-contrast performed first
delayed phase post-contrast acquisition
50 cc hand injection or 1 cc/s pressure injection ± saline chaser
delayed acquisition: >5 minutes post-contrast injection
multiplanar reconstructions
3 mm axial, sagittal and coronal brain reformats
3 mm axial, sagittal and coronal bone reformats
The technique for performing a CT of the head depends on the scanner available and falls into two broad camps:
step-and-shoot (sequential)
volumetric acquisition (helical)
Historically, only axial planes were obtained. It is now standard practice to obtain volumetric/helical scans, with subsequent multiplanar reconstructions, as well as the more traditional thick slice axial series.
In addition to various planes, the images can also be reconstructed using different algorithms (e.g. bone algorithm or soft-tissue algorithm) and viewed with different windows (e.g. brain window, subdural window, or bone window) to emphasise various tissue characteristics.
Step-and-shoot scanning was the first described technique but has largely been superseded in more modern scanners in favour of helical scanning and volumetric datasets (see below)
In step-and-shoot scanning, the CT tube/detector performs a complete revolution around a stationary patient (shoot) generating a single axial image. The table/gantry then advances a specific distance (step) and the process is repeated to acquire the next axial image. Traditionally, these were 10 mm slices through the cerebrum and 5 mm slices through the base-of-skull and posterior fossa.
Initially, scanners were fixed such that the scanning plane was at a right angle to the floor. The initial axial plane described for CT brain was the orbitomeatal line. Relatively soon, however, the ability to tilt the scan plane became possible and the standard plane was then shifted to one parallel to the orbital roof. This had the advantage of avoiding the lens (at least in some patients) and reducing the artifact from dental fillings which would be projected below the posterior fossa.
Volumetric acquisition
CT scanners now usually obtain a complete volume of scan data by continuously scanning as the gantry is moved. This generates a helical scan path through the patient (thus helical scanning). The advantage of this technique is that it generates a complete 3D volume of data which in turn allows the creation of multi-planar reconstruction (MPR) with thick or thin slices using different algorithms.
The axial plane can then be chosen to match any desired plane, regardless of the position the patient's head was in when scanned. Increasingly, the standard axial plane is being set to match that of MRI scans often parallel to the tuberculum sellae-occipital protuberance line (which is close to parallel to the AC-PC line). Coronal and sagittal reconstructions are then usually at right angles to this.
The ability to create MPRs quickly and easily does result in a significant increase in the number of images to be reviewed and the amount of space required to save them to disc.
It is not inconceivable to see a CT brain resulting in 3-plane 4 mm soft and 3-plane 1 mm bone reconstructions being sent to PACS with a 3D reformat and even the 0.6 mm overlapping data (to allow reimport into the volume rendering system for future use). We have moved from the traditional 30 images for a CT brain to a mammoth set of data with 1000+ images.
Practical points
using the correct head holder will optimise the position of the patient's head and allow for a shorter scan length and time and subsequently a lower dose delivered to the patient
always consider performing a non-contrast CT brain prior to a contrast-enhanced CT brain. Refer to local policy to determine whether a non-contrast CT brain is still necessary in patients that have recently undergone a non-contrast CT brain.