The CT pancreas protocol serves as an outline for a dedicated examination of the pancreas. As a separate examination, it is usually conducted as a biphasic contrast study and might be conducted as a part of other scans such as CT abdomen-pelvis, CT chest-abdomen-pelvis.
Note: This article aims to frame a general concept of a CT protocol for the assessment of the pancreas. Protocol specifics will vary depending on CT scanner type, specific hardware and software, radiologist and perhaps referrer preference, patient factors e.g. implants, specific indications.
A typical CT of the pancreas might look like as follows:
On this page:
Typical indications include an evaluation of the following 1-4:
evaluation of pancreatic tumours and/or cystic lesions
complications of pancreatic diseases
unclear findings on ultrasound or CT abdomen
pancreatic interventions (e.g. CT-guided biopsy, drainage)
The purposes of a pancreatic CT includes the following 1-4:
detection and characterisation of pancreatic tumours
arterial phase: hypervascular lesions e.g. neuroendocrine tumours, vascular lesions
pancreatic phase: depiction of hypoattenuating tumours such as pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
portal venous phase: depiction of hepatic metastases, venous thrombosis etc.
detection and characterisation of cystic pancreatic lesions
staging and severity assessment (best-done ≥2-3days after symptom onset)
search for aetiology (choledocholithiasis, autoimmune pancreatitis, groove pancreatitis etc.)
detection of complications in early and late phases including extrapancreatic complications
confirmation of the diagnosis of pancreatitis (only if clinically unclear - rare)
identification and characterisation of pancreatic calcifications
patient position
supine position, abdomen centred within the gantry
both arms elevated
tube voltage
≤120 kVp
tube current
as suggested by the automatic exposure control
diaphragm to the iliac crest (or symphysis)
scan extent
arterial/pancreatic phase: mid diaphragm to the iliac crest
venous phase: above the diaphragm to the iliac crest, might be extended to include the whole pelvis
scan direction
scan geometry
field of view (FOV): 350 mm (should be adjusted to increase in-plane resolution)
slice thickness: ≤0.625 mm, interval: ≤0.5 mm
reconstruction algorithm: soft tissue, bone
oral contrast
neutral contrast agent: 800 ml water 20-30min before the scan
contrast injection considerations
non-contrast (rarely indicated)
biphasic pancreatic ± venous acquisition (to detect pancreatic mass) 1
contrast volume: 70-120ml (1 mL/kg) with 30-40 mL saline chaser at 3-5 mL/s
optional bolus tracking: abdominal aorta
pancreatic phase: scan delay 15-20 sec after trigger or 35-40 sec after contrast injection 1
portal venous phase: 30 sec after the pancreatic phase or 65-70 sec after contrast injection 1
biphasic arterial ± venous acquisition (to detect neuroendocrine tumours) 1
contrast volume: 70-120ml (1 mL/kg) with 30-40 mL saline chaser at 4-5 mL/s
bolus tracking: abdominal aorta
arterial phase: minimal scan delay (or 20 seconds after contrast injection) 1
portal venous phase: 40 seconds after the arterial phase or 60-70 seconds after contrast injection
single acquisition with a monophasic injection (venous phase)
contrast volume: 70-120ml (1 mL/kg) with 30-40 mL saline chaser at 3-5 mL/s
portal venous phase: 65-70 sec after contrast injection
respiration phase
single breath-hold: inspiration
multiplanar reconstructions
axial images: strictly axial to the body axis
coronal images: strictly coronal to the body axis
sagittal images: strictly sagittal to the body axis, aligned through the centre of the vertebral bodies and the sternum
slice thickness: soft tissue ≤2,5 mm, bone ≤2 mm overlap 20-40%
Practical points
patient positioning prior to scanning might reduce and facilitate multiplanar reconstructions
depending on the exact indication the scan might require an extension of the scan field
consider coronal curved planar or paracoronal reformations
dual-energy CT with monochromatic reconstructions is thought to improve tissue contrast 5-7
dose optimisation
use iterative reconstruction algorithms if available
adjust expected CTDIvol and noise to patient size
make use of automatic exposure control