CT scanners were first introduced in 1971 with a single detector for brain study under the leadership of Sir Godfrey Hounsfield, an electrical engineer at EMI (Electric and Musical Industries Ltd). After that, it has undergone multiple improvements, with an increase in the number of detectors and a decrease in the scan time.
First generation
detectors: one
type of beam: pencil-like x-ray beam
tube-detector movements: translate-rotate
duration of scan (average): 25-30 mins
Second generation
detectors: multiple (up to 30)
type of beam: fan-shaped x-ray beam
tube-detector movements: translate-rotate
duration of scan (average): less than 90 sec
Third generation
detectors: multiple, initially 288; newer ones use over 700 arranged in an arc
type of beam: fan-shaped x-ray beam
tube-detector movements: rotate-rotate
duration of scan (average): approximately 5 sec
Fourth generation
detectors: multiple (more than 2000) arranged in an outer ring which is fixed
type of beam: fan-shaped x-ray beam
tube-detector movements: rotate-fixed
duration of scan (average): a few seconds
Other technologies
Other CT technologies have been adapted to third and fourth-generation scanners, including:
helical ("spiral") image acquisition
used in all modern CT machines
slip-ring technology made the helical acquisition possible
electron beam CT
considered a fifth-generation technology, electron beam CT has been around since 1984
involved an electron beam that is deflected via a magnet around the gantry (no moving parts, great temporal resolution)
initially designed for cardiac imaging, electron beam CT was made obsolete once multi-detector CT demonstrated better spatial resolution along (with the final blow being ECG-gated scanning)
Emerging technologies
Further technologies have been not yet been broadly adopted but show great promise including:
Practical points
third and fourth-generation scanner technologies are both used in many healthcare settings
the fourth generation is a fundamentally different acquisition method, but the resulting image quality is similar to the third generation for most applications