Fetal atrioventricular block

Last revised by Henry Knipe on 31 Oct 2023

Fetal atrioventricular block is a form a fetal bradyarrhythmia often classified into

Fetal atrioventricular block is considered rare finding with reported occurrences of around 1:11,000-20,000 live births 1.

According to associated factor is can be often divided into three principal groups

  • those associated with maternal antinuclear antibodies

    • maternal antinuclear antibodies are most often of the anti-Ro (SS-A) or anti-La (SS-B) type

  • those associated with congenital cardiac anomalies

  • seronegative isolated heart block

Fetal atrioventricular block has a variable prognosis with presence of fetal hydrops being an important marker predicting adverse outcome, followed by the association with complex cardiac malformations:

  • those without cardiac malformations are thought to have a significantly better prognosis

  • those with isolated congenital second-degree atrioventricular block carries a good prognosis in the absence of maternal anti-SSA/Ro-SSB/La antibodies 3


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