Contributing to does not need to be a massive commitment. Even a few minutes here and there can make a real difference. This page is a great place to start if you want to get involved. There are many ways to do this:
create your own case library and make your existing cases as complete and accurate as possible, see: What constitutes a perfect case
edit existing articles - you can dive right in (just click "edit" top right), or if you need have a look through Editing Radiopaedia Articles for a quick how-to
correct a spelling mistake or grammatical error
clean up existing content
bring existing articles closer and closer to our style guide
integrate cases with articles
integrate and reference journal publications with articles
correct or inform us of any incorrect content - you can do this via "report a problem" on all pages from the 'cog' menu top right of every page (bottom on mobile view)
get involved with our community by joining our community forum
Articles needing to be written
Although there are already thousands of articles, there are many more still to write. These range from short definitional articles to larger multipart articles. You could start on something that interests you, something you like or need to study, or something in your area of subspecialty.
There are several categories of articles:
short articles: small articles which may be a good starting point to get going
medium and long articles: standard sort of articles and may take a little longer but give you something to really sink your teeth into
Tagged articles
Below are articles that have been tagged as needing a little help from kind folk just like you.
When you have completed one of the tasks, please remove the tag identifying it. (e.g. remove "stub", or "references needed" etc.)
Of course, if in your travels you see an article that needs some work, please add the relevant tag.
tag = stub
Stubs are little baby articles that need a little nurturing to flower into full adult articlehood.
References needed
tag = refs
These puppies are lacking all-important references.
tag = duplicate
Sometimes we are just overzealous and create not just one article but two for the same topic. These should be merged into one gloriously polished article when possible.
To make sure all the links to each article are preserved please do the following:
choose the more complete article and edit that one
add the title of the smaller article to the new article's synonym list
add the tag "delete me" to the old article
remove the content of the old article and replace it with "this article has been merged with [title of new article].
We will periodically delete any articles with the tag "delete me" at which point articles will directly link to the new one.
tag = rewrite
These articles are just not-quite-right and need to have serious work done on them to bring them in line with our style guide and/or lack readability.
tag = cases
These articles are written and have reasonable content. However, they don't have enough cases to illustrate them. Often, we have cases sitting in our archive that are perfect. All you have to do is find them and add them!