Musculoskeletal involvement of leukemia is not always apparent on imaging, although the disease is per se characterized by leukemic infiltration of bone marrow.
Leukemia is a hematological neoplasm characterized by the overproduction of immature (blasts) or abnormally differentiated cells of the hematopoietic system in the bone marrow that often, but not always, extends into the peripheral blood and, therefore, may involve multiple organs, including also the muscles and soft tissues.
Radiographic features
manifestations of bone marrow replacement
although most plain radiographs appear normal, osteopenia is the most frequent finding 1,2
radiolucent metaphyseal bands
pediatric patients, up to 40% of those with ALL 2
they represent the osteopenia in the most fast-growing parts of long bones 2
alternating radiolucent and radiodense metaphyseal lines are classically described in treated patients
coarse trabeculation
increased number of trabeculae can lead to an osteosclerotic appearance 2, which is commonly seen as a result of secondary myelofibrosis
vertebral body collapse (vertebra plana)
T1: diffuse low signal
T2: increased signal
T1 C+ (Gd): diffuse enhancement
bone involvement without marrow involvement
can be seen due to direct invasion or hematogenous seeding 2
bone lytic lesions
intramuscular leukemic infiltrates
rare 1
focal soft tissue deposits forming mass-like lesion within the muscles
usually demonstrates contrast enhancement
iso signal compared to the background muscle on T1 and increased signal on T2 weighted images 1
Skin involvement, known as leukemia cutis, represents focal deposits of leukemic cells in the epidermis, dermis, or subcutaneous tissues 2
See also
systemic involvement of leukemia