Median nerve block is a technique used for providing anaesthesia to the median nerve territory, it may be performed at the level of the arm, elbow, forearm or the wrist.
On this page:
- fracture reductions
- surgical repair of fractures
- incision and drainage of cysts and abscesses
- post-operative analgesia
- burns involving tissue in the median nerve territory
- cellulitis or abscess in the site of injection
- known allergy to local anaesthetics
- compartment syndrome
- high-frequency linear ultrasound probe
- disinfectant agent
- sterile ultrasound gel
- sterile probe cover
- local anaesthetic
- skin or block needle
Even if it is a simple and safe block, complications may occur such as:
- infection of the puncture site
- intravascular injection
- allergic reaction to anaesthetic products
- direct nerve damage with neuropraxia or neurolysis
- intramuscular haematoma
- unsuccessful block
- local anaesthetic systemic toxicity (LAST)