Metopic suture
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At the time the article was created Yuranga Weerakkody had no recorded disclosures.
View Yuranga Weerakkody's current disclosuresAt the time the article was last revised Tariq Walizai had no financial relationships to ineligible companies to disclose.
View Tariq Walizai's current disclosures- Persistent metopic suture
- Frontal suture
- Median frontal suture
- Interfrontal suture
The metopic suture (also known as the frontal, interfrontal, or median frontal suture) is a vertical fibrous joint that divides the two halves of the frontal bone and is present in a newborn.
Persistent metopic sutures can be misdiagnosed as vertical skull fractures, therefore it is important to be aware of this anatomical variant.
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Gross anatomy
This suture runs through the midline across the frontal bone from the nasion to the bregma, although it may often be incomplete. It may fuse as early as 3 months of age and should fuse in nearly all patients by around 9 months of age 1-4.
Premature fusion of the suture is termed metopic synostosis (type of craniosynostosis) which can then result in trigonocephaly.
Variant anatomy
The metopic suture is usually obliterated by about 7 years of age, but in rare cases, it can persist 6 as an anatomical variant of little clinical significance but that it can be mistaken for a frontal bone fracture. Persistence of the metopic suture may be associated with frontal sinus agenesis or hypoplasia 7.
Differential diagnosis
metopic sutures have a characteristic midline position and demonstrate sutural interdigitations 4
- 1. Vu HL, Panchal J, Parker EE et-al. The timing of physiologic closure of the metopic suture: a review of 159 patients using reconstructed 3D CT scans of the craniofacial region. J Craniofac Surg. 2001;12 (6): 527-32. J Craniofac Surg (link) - Pubmed citation
- 2. Weinzweig J, Kirschner RE, Farley A et-al. Metopic synostosis: Defining the temporal sequence of normal suture fusion and differentiating it from synostosis on the basis of computed tomography images. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 2003;112 (5): 1211-8. doi:10.1097/01.PRS.0000080729.28749.A3 - Pubmed citation
- 3. Murlimanju BV, Prabhu LV, Pai MM et-al. Median frontal sutures - incidence, morphology and their surgical, radiological importance. Turk Neurosurg. 2011;21 (4): 489-93. doi:10.5137/1019-5149.JTN .4293-11.0 - Pubmed citation
- 4. Glass RB, Fernbach SK, Norton KI et-al. The infant skull: a vault of information. Radiographics. 2004;24 (2): 507-22. Radiographics (full text) - doi:10.1148/rg.242035105 - Pubmed citation
- 5. Bademci G, Kendi T, Agalar F. Persistent metopic suture can mimic the skull fractures in the emergency setting?. Neurocirugia (Astur). 2007;18 (3): 238-40. Pubmed citation
- 6. FRCS CSS. Last's anatomy. Churchill Livingstone. ISBN:0443100330. Read it at Google Books - Find it at Amazon
- 7. Çakur B, Sumbullu MA, Durna NB. Aplasia and agenesis of the frontal sinus in Turkish individuals: a retrospective study using dental volumetric tomography. Int J Med Sci. 2011;8 (3): 278-82. Free text at pubmed - Pubmed citation
Incoming Links
- Trigonocephaly
- Persistent metopic suture with frontal sinus agensis
- Persistent metopic suture
- Persistent metopic suture
- Trigonocephaly
- Trigonocephaly
- Persistent metopic suture
- Metopic ridge
- Persistent metopic suture
- Trigonocephaly
- Trigonocephaly
- Sotos syndrome
- Persistent metopic suture
- Persistent metopic suture
- Persistent metopic suture
- Metopic suture synostosis
- Trigonocephaly
- Trigonocephaly
- Brachycephaly (bicoronal synostosis)
- Persistent metopic suture
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