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Nigrosomes are small clusters of dopaminergic cells within the substantia nigrathat that exhibit calbindin D28K negativity on immunohistochemistry. Five nigrasomes measuringup up to a few millimetres in sizehave have been described with the largest labelled as nigrosome-1 1.
Nigrosome-1 within
theNigrasome-1 contains the largest proportion of neurons affected in Parkinson's disease.
High resolution T2*/SWI weighted MRI is able to identify, a condition that causes the distribution of normal high SWI signal loss within healthy and diseased substatia nigra both at 7T and 3T field strength. The healthy nigrosome-1 has a swallow tail appearance on axial imagingto be absent. Absence Absence of the normal swallow tail appearance of nigrosome-1 is reported to be a reliable sign of Parkinson's disease 1.
References changed:
- 1. Schwarz ST, Afzal M, Morgan PS et-al. The 'swallow tail' appearance of the healthy nigrosome - a new accurate test of Parkinson's disease: a case-control and retrospective cross-sectional MRI study at 3T. PLoS ONE. 2014;9 (4): e93814. <a href="">doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0093814</a> - <a href="">Free text at pubmed</a> - <a href="">Pubmed citation</a><span class="auto"></span>
Sections changed:
- Anatomy
Systems changed:
- Central Nervous System