Palatine tonsil

Changed by Francis Deng, 21 Nov 2021

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The palatine tonsils, also known as the faucial tonsils or simply the tonsils, are a bilateral collection of lymphoid tissue in the oropharyngeal mucosa. They form part of Waldeyer's ring.

Gross anatomy

The palatine tonsils are located in the oropharyngeal isthmus (fauces(isthmus of fauces). Each is often described to have two borders, two poles, and two surfaces:

  • anterior and posterior borders (described in relations below)
  • upper and lower poles: extending to the soft palate and dorsum of the tongue respectively
  • medial and lateral surfaces (described in relations below)

Arterial supply

Venous drainage

Lymphatic drainage

  • lymph nodes: deep cervical group
    • jugulodigastric nodes: inferior to the angle of the mandible



Consists of:

  • non-keratinised stratified squamous epithelium
  • incompletely encapsulated
  • long-branched tonsillar crypts: e.g. intratonsillar cleft

Related pathology

  • -<p>The <strong>palatine tonsils</strong>, also known as the <strong>faucial tonsils</strong> or simply the <strong>tonsils</strong>, are a bilateral collection of <a href="/articles/lymphoid-organ-2">lymphoid tissue</a> in the <a title="Oropharyngeal anatomy" href="/articles/oropharynx">oropharyngeal</a> mucosa. They form part of <a href="/articles/waldeyers-ring-1">Waldeyer's ring</a>.</p><h4>Gross anatomy</h4><p>The palatine tonsils are located in the <a title="oropharyngeal isthmus" href="/articles/oropharyngeal-isthmus">oropharyngeal isthmus</a> (fauces). Each is often described to have two borders, two poles, and two surfaces:</p><ul>
  • +<p>The <strong>palatine tonsils</strong>, also known as the <strong>faucial tonsils</strong> or simply the <strong>tonsils</strong>, are a bilateral collection of <a href="/articles/lymphoid-organ-2">lymphoid tissue</a> in the <a href="/articles/oropharynx">oropharyngeal</a> mucosa. They form part of <a href="/articles/waldeyers-ring-1">Waldeyer's ring</a>.</p><h4>Gross anatomy</h4><p>The palatine tonsils are located in the <a href="/articles/oropharyngeal-isthmus">oropharyngeal isthmus</a> (isthmus of fauces). Each is often described to have two borders, two poles, and two surfaces:</p><ul>

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