Pancreatic calcifications can arise from many aetiologies.
Punctate intraductal calcifications
alcoholic pancreatitis (20-40%) 2
intraductal, numerous, small, irregular
preponderant cause of diffuse pancreatic intraductal calcification
much less commonly associated with calcifications
most also have nephrocalcinosis or urolithiasis (70%)
calcifications are common
manifest in the paediatric population
idiopathic: no underlying cause can be determined
Smaller intraductal calcifications
usually in patients aged over 70 years
number of calcifications increase with age
cystic fibrosis: finely granular calcifications in smallest ducts in end stage disease with pancreatic failure
atherosclerotic calcifications
Larger intraductal calcifications
autosomal dominant 9% penetrance
large rounded shape
peaks at 5-17 years
gallstone migration
tropical pancreatitis: young patients in tropical countries
Dystrophic calcification
old insult
old infection
old infarction
old trauma
islet cell tumours: especially non-functional tumours; 20% islet cell tumours
calcified metastasis
mucinous (macrocystic) cystadenomas and carcinomas: mucus in tumour rarely calcifies; cysts >2 cm
serous (microcystic) cystadenomas and carcinomas: commonly calcify, characteristically as a central calcified scar with radiating calcified septations
intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms: widened pancreatic duct extensive mucus
solid and pseudopapillary epithelial neoplasm
rare: in young women, commonly calcifies, characteristically punctate, peripheral calcifications
pancreatoblastoma: rare. ~ 20% calcify
cavernous lymphangioma / haemangioma (multiple phleboliths) 5
NB: adenocarcinomas of the pancreas do not generally calcify; rather, they typically engulf previously present adjacent calcifications.
Pancreatic calcification mimics
atherosclerosis of splenic artery and intrapancreatic arterioles
oral contrast in duodenal diverticula