Primary uveal malignant melanoma

Changed by Henry Knipe, 29 May 2014

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A malignant uveal melanoma is the most common primary tumour of the adult eye 3.


Malignant melanoma of the uvea is most common primary intraocular malignancy, and is predominantly seen in caucasians 5. The incidence of these tumours increases with age, with only 2% of tumours found in patients younger than 20 year of age 6

Clinical presentation

Clinical presentation depends on the location. When the tumour is located on the iris then it may be apparent to the patient or friends and family as a brown nodule. Choroidal or ciliary body tumours are only identified incidentally on fundoscopy or as a result of retinal detachment or advanced disease.


Uveal melanomas arise from the ciliary body or the choroid. Three histological types are recognised 5

  • mixed melanoma: containing both spindle B cell and epithelioid cells
  • epithelioid melanoma
  • necrotic melanoma

Radiographic features


Ultrasound is an excellent modality for examining the globe and is able to visualise small plaque like or discoid uveal melanoma, with a thickness of less than 3 mm, which are usually difficult to assess on CT or MRI. Features include 4

  • solid low to medium echotexture
  • internal vascularity
  • collar button shape
    • this is the classic shape but not always the case
    • represents the tumour having broken through Bruch's membrane
    • tumours may be irregular, lobulated or domed

Other features sometimes present include retinal detachment, posterior scleral bowing, choroidal excavation and vitreous or subretinal seeding. Additionally larger tumour are often significantly sound attenuating 4.


CT is able to identify most uveal melanomas which appear as elevated, hyperdense sharply marginated lenticular or mushroom shaped lesions, which enhance with administration of contrast.


MRI is the modality of choice for assessment of malignant uveal melanomas 5-6.

  • T1 or PD
    • uveal melanomas are seen as moderately high signal mass lesion
    • associated exudative retinal detachment is moderately high signal
  • T2
    • moderately low signal mass lesion
    • associated exudative retinal detachment is moderately high signal
    • haemorrhagic subretinal fluid has variable signal pattern
  • T1 C+ (Gd)
    • tumours enhance
    • fat suppression useful in detecting extraocular extention

Treatment and prognosis

Treatment for malignant uveal melanoma depends on tumour size and clinician's preference. Options include photocoagulation, transpupillary thermotherapy (TTT), brachyradiatiotherapy, local excision, or enucleation 5-6.

Poor prognostic factors for systemic disease include 5:

  • older age : >60 years of age
  • larger tumours
  • anterior location within the globe
  • epithelioid cells (i.e. mixed or epithelioid histology)
  • extraocular extension

Systemic metastases may be wide spread, with the liver > lung > bone > kidney > brain being a common sites for tumour deposits 6.

Overall survival depends on tumour size, extraocular spread, and metastases. Even small (<10 mm diameter, <3 mm thickness) tumours still carry a 10 - 15-15% 5-year mortality 6.

Differential diagnosis

Related articles

See also

  • -<li>mixed melanoma : containing both spindle B cell and epithelioid cells</li>
  • +<li>mixed melanoma: containing both spindle B cell and epithelioid cells</li>
  • -</ul><p>Systemic metastases may be wide spread, with the liver &gt; lung &gt; bone &gt; kidney &gt; brain being a common sites for tumour deposits <sup>6</sup>.</p><p>Overall survival depends on tumour size, extraocular spread, and metastases. Even small (&lt;10 mm diameter, &lt;3 mm thickness) tumours still carry a 10 - 15% 5-year mortality <sup>6</sup>.</p><h4>Differential diagnosis</h4><ul>
  • +</ul><p>Systemic metastases may be wide spread, with the liver &gt; lung &gt; bone &gt; kidney &gt; brain being a common sites for tumour deposits <sup>6</sup>.</p><p>Overall survival depends on tumour size, extraocular spread, and metastases. Even small (&lt;10 mm diameter, &lt;3 mm thickness) tumours still carry a 10-15% 5-year mortality <sup>6</sup>.</p><h4>Differential diagnosis</h4><ul>
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