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Weerakkody Y, Kumar K, Savi F, et al. Radial ray anomaly. Reference article, (Accessed on 22 Mar 2025)
Radial ray anomalies comprise of a large spectrum of upper limb anomalies which range from partial (radial hypoplasia) to a complete (radial aplasia) deficiency of the radius (radial hemimelia) with or without accompanying deficiency of the thumb bones.
Radial ray anomalies can be associated with a number of associations which include:
Radial ray anomalies can be classified into four main subtypes depending upon the extent of severity:
type I: radius is slightly (>2 mm) short and the hand bends sideways at the wrist (often associated with a hypoplastic thumb); proximal radius usually unaffected
type II: the radius bone is very short and the ulna curves sideways and supports the wrist poorly
type III: partial absence of radius
type IV: complete absence of radius
May show absence or hypoplasia of the radius (depending on type) with the hand often in medial rotation.
Plain radiograph
Allows direct visualization of anatomy but is usually performed postnatally.
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