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More than 200 results
Renal artery aneurysm
Renal artery aneurysms (RAA) are the second most common visceral aneurysms (15-22%), the most common being splenic artery aneurysms (60%).
Renal artery aneurysms occur in ~0.1% of the population 6,8,10. They are more common in females 6. The median age at diagnosis is 50 years 8....
Tuberculum-venous confluence line
The tuberculum-venous confluence line is a midsagittal line formed by the interconnection between the Galenic venous confluence (which includes the internal cerebral veins, the mesencephalic veins, and the basal veins of Rosenthal) and the tuberculum sella 1.
This is an artificial reference lin...
Lung cancer (staging - IASLC 9th edition)
The IASLC (International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer) 9th edition lung cancer staging system was introduced in 2025 and supersedes the IASLC 8th edition. It is a TNM staging system.
There are only minor differences from the 8th edition.
no changes to the T staging.
subdivision of...
Incisural line
The incisural line is a midsagittal line connecting the Galenic venous confluence point (which includes the internal cerebral veins, the mesencephalic veins, and the basal veins of Rosenthal) with the base of the dorsum sella 1.
It is a fixed anatomically based line of reference at the tentori...
Muscular attachments of the hyoid bone (mnemonic)
A handy mnemonic to recall the muscle attachments of the hyoid bone. The first sentence is for six muscles attaching superiorly, the second sentence is for three muscles attaching inferiorly. Both sentences are in order from lateral to medial:
Christopher, He Didn't See Girls Much. That's Obvio...
Lung cancer (staging - IASLC 8th edition)
The IASLC (International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer) 8th edition lung cancer staging system was introduced in 2016 and supersedes the IASLC 7th edition. It is a TNM staging system.
Standard-of-care lung cancer staging ideally should be performed in a multidisciplinary meeting usin...
Achilles tendon tear
Achilles tendon tears are the most common tendon ruptures 15. They are commonly seen secondary to sports-related injuries 15, especially squash and basketball.
chronic Achilles tendon rupture: >4-6 weeks post-injury 11
Acute Achilles tendon ruptures occur ~30 times (...
Pneumoperitoneum (aeroperitoneum is a rare synonym 12) describes gas within the peritoneal cavity, often due to critical illness. There are numerous causes and several mimics.
The most common cause of pneumoperitoneum is the disruption of the wall of a hollow viscus. In children, the...
Perforated appendix
A perforated appendix is one of the complications of acute appendicitis. When appendicitis is left untreated, necrosis (gangrene) of the appendiceal wall can occur and progress to a focal rupture.
The rate of perforated appendix varies from 16% to 40%, with a higher incidence in a...
An appendicolith is a calcified deposit within the appendix. They are present in a large number of children with acute appendicitis and may be an incidental finding on an abdominal radiograph or CT. Incidence may be increased among patients with a retrocecal appendix. Overall they are seen in 10...
Acute appendicitis
Acute appendicitis is an acute inflammation of the vermiform appendix. It is a very common condition in general radiology practice and is one of the main reasons for abdominal surgery in young patients. CT is the most sensitive modality to detect appendicitis.
Acute appendicitis (p...
Copy editor
The copy editor is a key Radiopaedia editorial team member responsible for ensuring that submitted cases and articles are clear, accurate, readable, and aligned with Radiopaedia’s style guide.
The copy editor reviews newly submitted cases to ensure they adhere to Radiopaedia’s style guidelines ...
Revised PIOPED criteria for diagnosis of pulmonary embolus
The revised PIOPED criteria for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolus indicate the probability of pulmonary emboli based on findings on V/Q scan (ventilation-perfusion scintigraphy).
This article reflects the revised interpretation criteria promulgated in 1993 1 based on retrospective anal...
Sacral insufficiency fracture
Sacral insufficiency fractures are a subtype of stress fractures, which are the result of normal stresses on abnormal bone, most frequently seen in the setting of osteoporosis. They fall under the broader group of pelvic insufficiency fractures.
Risk factors
Risk factors are thos...
Modified PIOPED II criteria for diagnosis of pulmonary embolus
The modified PIOPED II criteria for the diagnosis of pulmonary embolus indicate the presence or absence of pulmonary emboli based on findings on V/Q scan (ventilation-perfusion scintigraphy).
This article reflects the modified interpretation criteria promulgated in 2008 1 based on recat...
Perianal fistula
Perianal fistula (or fistula-in-ano) (plural: fistulae or fistulas) is the presence of a fistulous tract across/between/adjacent to the anal sphincters and is usually an inflammatory condition 1.
Incidence is estimated at ~1:10,000 2, with a recognized male predilection of 2-4:1.
Gastric cancer (TNM staging)
Gastric cancer staging is routinely performed using the TNM staging system. This article is based on the 8th edition of the AJCC TNM classification of malignant tumors. This is technically the clinical TNM staging (cTNM).
cTNM staging (8th edition)
Tx: primary tumor cannot be assessed
T0: ...
Child-Pugh score
The Child-Pugh score is a scoring system that measures the severity of chronic liver disease, including cirrhosis.
This score was initially devised by Child and Turcotte in 1964 to risk stratify patients with portal hypertension undergoing shunt surgery. It was revised in 1972 by Pugh w...
MELD score
The MELD score (Model for End-stage Liver Disease) is a classification used to grade chronic liver disease in preparation for liver transplantation in adults. The score has prognostic value in terms of three-month mortality.
Three-month mortality of patients with chronic liver disease pe...
Enhanced myometrial vascularity
Enhanced myometrial vascularity (EMV), often misdiagnosed as an acquired uterine arteriovenous malformation, is the presence of transiently increased blood flow within the uterine myometrium, typically associated with complications of pregnancy.
Somewhat confusingly, the term “enh...