
  • with this ultrasound result, the patient was diagnosed with twin pregnancy, a well developed molar pregnancy, and a normal live fetus.

  • after being hospitalized for two weeks, the patient experiences pre-eclampsia, ongoing vaginal bleeding, thyrotoxicosis, and lastly IUFD.

  • fetal portion, placental tissue, and mass were sent for pathology following an elective hysterotomy, and the results revealed

Pathology report

  • Gross Well-formed fetus measuring CRL=20cm, HC=25cm, and FL=3cm; 15 x 10 cm soft gray brown placental tissue; 18 x 12 cm amniotic membrane centrally placed; 45 cm long umbilical cord. a separated fragments of gray white vesicular membrane tissue mass 20 x 20cm.

  • C/S: through placenta - soft fleshy gray brown placenta with normal looking cotyledon. through umbilical cord normal positioned three vessels, and through vesicular membrane tissue-soft variable size vesicles.

  • Microscopy: histologic section through placenta showed mainly early third trimester villi variably composed of unremarkable chorionic villi admixed with scattered chorionic villi reveling mild chorangiosis along with unremarkable fetal fibrous membrane tissue. sections through vesicular tissue showed variable sized hydrophilic villi with cisterna formation and partial trophoblastic proliferation on hemorrhagic background.


  • placenta- early third trimester placenta with mild chorangitis

  • vesicular tissue- Complete hydatiform mole
