History of two episodes of the jerk to right hip during last 3 weeks. Complaining of right proximal medial thigh pain, diffuse swelling, and skin discolouration.
Patient Data
Age: 55 yrs
Gender: Male
From the case:
Adductor longus tear
Adductor longus
- Tendon is not visualised along with breach in continuity of aponeurosis.
- There is a haematoma ( 50 x 30 x 20 mm ) replacing most of the proximal part of the muscle.
- There is a breach in epimysium anteriorly through which haematoma extends anteriorly as well as deep to gracilis muscle.
- There is no detached bone flake from pubis.
Adductor Brevis and Magnus
- Normal tendon and muscle.
- Normal.
Case Discussion
Ultrasound findings suggest adductor longus tear at its proximal part.