Anterior ankle impingement

Case contributed by Utkarsh Kabra
Diagnosis probable


Pain anterior aspect of ankle joint, past history of trauma

Patient Data

Age: 40 years
Gender: Male
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PD fat sat
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Axial PD
fat sat
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Coronal PD
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Small osteochondral defect, measuring approx. 4.6mm along medial talar dome with surrounding marrow edema. Mild irregularity of articular cartilage also seen along adjacent medial malleolus.

Cortical irregularity, osseous spur is seen along anterosuperior aspects of neck of talus with mild surrounding marrow edema. Small osteophyte, erosions also seen in adjacent inferior aspects of distal tibia. Associated mild soft tissue edema, fluid seen in anterior capsular recess.

Cortical irregularity with small osseous spur, subchondral erosions / cystic changes and surrounding marrow edema seen along medial aspects of posterior neck / body of talus.

Ill-defined linear hypointensity is seen in neck and body of talus with areas of cortical irregularity – likely related to old fracture of talus.

Osteophytes formation is seen along posterior aspects of talus and calcaneum with associated marrow edema, surrounding soft tissue edema and mild fluid in subtalar recess. 

Well defined linear bony intensities seen along lateral aspect of calcaneum along calcaneal attachment of calcano-fibular ligament and posteroinferior to lateral malleolus – possibly enthesophytes. Possibility of these being loose bodies appears less likely.

Mild hyperintensity / edema is seen in sinus tarsi – likely related to old sprain of interosseous and cervical ligaments.

Mild hyperintensity and irregularity seen involving talar attachment of anterior talofibular ligament – likely related to old sprain.

Partial tear of deep fibers of deltoid ligament is seen.

Tendinosis of tibialis posterior, peroneus longus and brevis tendons is seen distal to medial and lateral malleoli respectively.

Mild fluid is seen along tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum and flexor hallucis longus tendon – likely mild tenosynovitis.

Achilles tendon and planter fascia are unremarkable.

Case Discussion

Cortical irregularity, osseous spur is seen along anterosuperior aspects of neck of talus with mild surrounding marrow edema. Small osteophyte, erosions also seen in adjacent inferior aspects of distal tibia. Associated mild soft tissue edema, fluid seen in anterior capsular recess consistent with anterior ankle impingement.


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