C1 posterior arch anomaly - Currarino type B

Case contributed by Sze Yuen Lee
Diagnosis certain


Road traffic accident with midline cervical tenderness

Patient Data

Age: 25 years
Gender: Female
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Axial bone
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bone window
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bone window
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Unilateral well-corticated bony defect at the left side of the posterior arch of C1, likely congenital. The anterior arch is preserved. 

Otherwise, the cervical alignment, vertebral body heights and disc spaces are normal. No acute bony fracture. No facet joint subluxation or dislocation.

IMPRESSION: Incidental finding of congenital C1 posterior arch anomaly - Currarino type B

Case Discussion

In this patient, no acute cervical spine bony injury was seen on CT, however she had an incidental finding of Currarino type B congenital anomaly of the posterior arch of atlas (C1). These anomalies are often asymptomatic and detected incidentally, although they may be symptomatic in higher morphological groups and may sometimes present with acute neurological symptoms despite minor trauma.

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