Neck pain radiating to both arms and hands, associated with "pins and needles" in all fingers. Weak grip in both hands, right greater than left. Good neck range of movement. Trapped nerve?
Patient Data

Normal craniocervical junction.
Large C6-C7 focal left paramedian-foraminal disc prolapse, completely effacing the left exit foramen with impingement on the exiting C7 nerve root.
Partial effacement of the left side of the thecal sac. The central canal remains relatively capacious.
Normal cervical cord. No cord edema or myelomalacia.
No abnormality on any other level.
Case Discussion
A textbook example of a cervical disc prolapse. They are much less common than in the lumbar spine.
This one is most noticeable as the remainder of the cervical spine is pristine.