
The labeled structures are (excluding the correct side):
- groove for the middle meningeal artery
- frontal sinus
- frontal crest
- orbital process of the frontal bone
- foramen cecum
- superior rectus muscle
- crista galli
- olfactory fossa
- anterior ethmoidal foramen
- lesser wing of the sphenoid bone
- globe
- lamina papyracea
- superior olfactory recess
- middle ethmoidal sinus
- optic nerve
- posterior ethmoidal foramen
- lateral rectus muscle
- posterior ethmoidal sinus
- superior orbital fissure
- anterior clinoid process
- agger nasi (anterior-most ethmoidal sinus)
- optic canal
- perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone
- ethmoid bulla (bulla ethmoidalis)
- medial rectus muscle
- posterior clinoid process
- dorsum sellae
- nasal bone
- nasomaxillary suture
- sphenoethmoidal recess
- inferior rectus muscle
- sella turcica (pituitary fossa)
- temporalis muscle
- inferior orbital fissure
- nasolacrimal canal
- foramen rotundum
- concha bullosa
- middle nasal turbinate (concha)
- temporal process of the zygomatic bone
- internal auditory (acoustic) canal
- sphenopalatine foramen
- pterygomaxillary fissure
- sphenoid sinus
- carotid canal
- maxillary sinus (antrum)
- zygomatic process of the temporal bone
- mandibular condyle
- infraorbital canal
- pterygopalatine fossa
- foramen ovale
- temporomandibular joint
- foramen spinosum
- nasal process of the maxilla
- inferior nasal turbinate (concha)
- lateral pterygoid plate
- coronoid process of the mandible
- greater palatine canal
- medial pterygoid plate
- condylar neck of the mandible
- lateral pharyngeal recess (fossa of Rosenmuller)
- lateral pterygoid muscle
- opening of the pharyngotympanic (Eustachian) tube
- nasopharynx
- anterior nasal spine
- posterior nasal spine
- torus tubarius
- palatine process of the maxilla
- median palatine suture
- transverse palatine suture
- horizontal plate of the palatine bone
- greater palatine foramen
- lesser palatine foramina
- masseter muscle
- medial pterygoid muscle
- incisive canal
- mandibular foramen
- incisive foramen
- pterygoid hamulus
- lingula of the mandible
- styloid process
- oropharynx
- uvula
- anterior arch of the atlas (C1)
- transverse foramen of the atlas (C1)
- odontoid process of the axis (C2)
- lateral mass of the atlas (C1)
- ramus of the mandible
- angle of the mandible
- mandibular canal
- body of the mandible
- mental foramen
- greater cornu of the hyoid bone
- epiglottis
- vallecula
- median glossoepiglottic fold
- genial tubercle
- lateral glossoepiglottic fold
- lesser cornu of the hyoid bone
- body of the hyoid bone

The same normal facial bones CT without labels for reference.
Case Discussion
The labeled structures are (excluding the correct side):
- groove for the middle meningeal artery
- frontal sinus
- frontal crest
- orbital process of the frontal bone
- foramen cecum
- superior rectus muscle
- crista galli
- olfactory fossa
- anterior ethmoidal foramen
- lesser wing of the sphenoid bone
- globe
- lamina papyracea
- superior olfactory recess
- middle ethmoidal sinus
- optic nerve
- posterior ethmoidal foramen
- lateral rectus muscle
- posterior ethmoidal sinus
- superior orbital fissure
- anterior clinoid process
- agger nasi (anterior-most ethmoidal sinus)
- optic canal
- perpendicular plate of the ethmoid bone
- ethmoid bulla (bulla ethmoidalis)
- medial rectus muscle
- posterior clinoid process
- dorsum sellae
- nasal bone
- nasomaxillary suture
- sphenoethmoidal recess
- inferior rectus muscle
- sella turcica (pituitary fossa)
- temporalis muscle
- inferior orbital fissure
- nasolacrimal canal
- foramen rotundum
- concha bullosa
- middle nasal turbinate (concha)
- temporal process of the zygomatic bone
- internal auditory (acoustic) canal
- sphenopalatine foramen
- pterygomaxillary fissure
- sphenoid sinus
- carotid canal
- maxillary sinus (antrum)
- zygomatic process of the temporal bone
- mandibular condyle
- infraorbital canal
- pterygopalatine fossa
- foramen ovale
- temporomandibular joint
- foramen spinosum
- nasal process of the maxilla
- inferior nasal turbinate (concha)
- lateral pterygoid plate
- coronoid process of the mandible
- greater palatine canal
- medial pterygoid plate
- condylar neck of the mandible
- lateral pharyngeal recess (fossa of Rosenmuller)
- lateral pterygoid muscle
- opening of the pharyngotympanic (Eustachian) tube
- nasopharynx
- anterior nasal spine
- posterior nasal spine
- torus tubarius
- palatine process of the maxilla
- median palatine suture
- transverse palatine suture
- horizontal plate of the palatine bone
- greater palatine foramen
- lesser palatine foramina
- masseter muscle
- medial pterygoid muscle
- incisive canal
- mandibular foramen
- incisive foramen
- pterygoid hamulus
- lingula of the mandible
- styloid process
- oropharynx
- uvula
- anterior arch of the atlas (C1)
- transverse foramen of the atlas (C1)
- odontoid process of the axis (C2)
- lateral mass of the atlas (C1)
- ramus of the mandible
- angle of the mandible
- mandibular canal
- body of the mandible
- mental foramen
- greater cornu of the hyoid bone
- epiglottis
- vallecula
- median glossoepiglottic fold
- genial tubercle
- lateral glossoepiglottic fold
- lesser cornu of the hyoid bone
- body of the hyoid bone