Enlargement of accessory spleen after splenectomy

Case contributed by Bruno Di Muzio
Diagnosis certain


Mass above the left kidney view on an ultrasound examination (images not available). Previous history of splenectomy.

Patient Data

Age: 56
Gender: Male

CT Abdomen (selected images)

Axial C+
arterial phase
Axial C+ portal
venous phase
Axial C+

There is a rounded homogeneous solid mass in the splenic topography that follows similar contrast enhancement as the liver and is in keeping with an enlarged accessory spleen.  

Case Discussion

It is a compensatory increase of an accessory spleen after splenectomy. As the patient has an history of splenectomy, the medical sonographer questioned the presence of a rounded mass located above the left kidney: accessory spleen increased or adrenal nodule?

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