Annual screening mammogram. She has a mother and one sister with breast carcinoma.
Patient Data

Baseline 2 yr prior to current presentation
MLO view is normal.

1 mth prior to current presentation
This image was read as normal, but with the wisdom of hindsight there is a very small developing density high up in the breast.

A year later the mass lesion is quite obvious so we added ultrasound.

Small solid lesion which shows microlobulation and with the history and appearance of the lesion, undoubtedly merits biopsy.
Case Discussion
As is usual with breast imaging (and the rest of radiology for that matter), hindsight is perfect. The actual fact is that it poses a learning opportunity even if you were not the reader of the previous studies.
Understandably this case alarmed the patient and she was very relieved when the lesion turned out to be a fibroadenoma on biopsy.