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Sequential CT slices of paranasal sinuses in coronal plane demonstrate the lack of pneumatization in the expected locations of frontal sinuses.
Case Discussion
Paranasal sinuses are prone to a great diversity of anomalies. It is important for surgeons to be aware of variations that may predispose patients to increased risk of intraoperative complications and help avoid possible complications and improve success of management strategies. CT is an excellent cross-sectional imaging technique that is used to map sinus anatomy prior to surgical intervention to limit morbidity.
Frontal sinus develops from anterosuperior pneumatization of the frontal recess into the frontal. Development begins late in intrauterine life or may start after birth ( from one to twenty years and starts in the vertical segment). Usually has two chambers, one on each side ( almost always asymmetrical). However, three or more chambers may be present in 1.5% to 21% of persons. It is divided by thin bony intrasinus septa, usually off-midline and rarely dehiscent. The underdevelopment or aplasia of the frontal sinus is a rare phenomenon that occurs unilaterally in about 4% of cases and bilaterally in approximately 5% of cases.