Galeazzi fracture
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At the time the case was submitted for publication Alexandra Stanislavsky had no recorded disclosures.
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Bad fall while playing sport.
Patient Data
Note: This case has been tagged as "legacy" as it no longer meets image preparation and/or other case publication guidelines.

Open transverse fracture at the junction of the distal and middle third of the radial diaphysis with volar dislocation of the distal radio-ulnar joint. Note that the radius is overriding by 2-3 cm.
4 case questions available
Q: What is the name of this fracture, and what are the key features? show answer
A: A Galeazzi fracture-dislocation consists of a radial fracture (distal) and a dislocation of the distal radio-ulnar joint.
Q: What additional feature is demonstrated which increases the risk of postoperative sepsis? show answer
A: This fracture is open, with locules of gas in the soft tissue adjacent to the distal ulna.
Q: What structural damage can be assumed to be present when shortening of the radius is by more than 1cm? show answer
A: Complete disruption of the distal part of the interosseous membrane.
Q: What Galeazzi equivalent fracture is seen in children, and what complication is seen in about half of cases? show answer
A: Fracture of the distal radius and a growth plate injury of the distal ulna. Physeal arrest occurs in up to 55% of cases, resulting in a shortened ulna.
Case Discussion
This case illustrates typical, albeit marked, features of the eponymous Galeazzi fracture-dislocation.
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