Glenolabral articular disruption (GLAD lesion) with Buford complex and supraspinatus tear
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Long head of biceps tendon is intact although medially subluxed with intracapsular tendinosis and a small tendon sheath effusion. Full-thickness partial width superior third subscapularis tear. Full thickness partial width anterior supraspinatus footplate tear extending as a delamination tear into the critical zone. Infraspinatus tendinosis without a definite tear. Teres minor tendon is intact. Subscapularis loss of bulk with a few fatty streaks (Goutallier grade 1). RemainingNo further rotator cuff muscle belly bulk and signal are preservedtear. No subacromial bursal effusion.
Mild degenerative changes of the acromioclavicular joint. Type II acromion. No acromial spurring. No os acromiale.
Humeral head is decentred posteriorly in the glenoid. Small glenohumeral joint effusion with a 12 mm chondral fragment in the axillary recess.
Absent anterior glenoid labrum with a band-like middle glenohumeral ligament suggestive ofreflecting a Buford complex.
Anteroinferior labrum and anterior band inferior glenohumeral ligament are high signal and irregular. Significant anteroinferior glenoid chondral loss measuring approximately 19 x 6 mm. No anteroinferior glenoid bone loss; glenoid track measures 31 mm. Non-acute Hill Sachs defect measuring 26 mm (AP to infraspinatus insertion) and 17 mm (craniocaudal).
Superior glenohumeral ligament is not seen. Subcoracoid bursal effusion with synovial thickening. No aggressive focal osseous lesion. Axillary neurovascular bundle is normalsubacromial bursal effusion.
Conclusion: Episode/sMild degenerative changes of prior anterior glenohumeral instability with glenolabral articular disruption (GLAD lesion) and Hill-Sachs defect. This is an on-track bipolar lesion. There is a significant chondral loss with a fragment displaced into the axillary recessacromioclavicular joint. Potential Buford complex noted. Biceps pulley injury with superior-third partial subscapularis tear, non-visualised superior glenohumeral ligament and medial subluxation of long head of biceps tendinosis.Full thickness partial width anterior supraspinatus footplate tear extending as a delamination tear into the critical zone.
Updates to Case Attributes
1. Episode/s of prior anterior glenohumeral instability with glenolabral articular disruption (GLAD lesion) and Hill-Sachs defect (on-track lesion). Significant chondral loss with a fragment displaced into the axillary recess. Buford complex noted.
2. Full thickness partial width anterior supraspinatus footplate tear extending as a delamination tear into the critical zone.